OK, so I know this is odd…
I reached my fiftieth year in life without ever having smoked anything. As a child of the seventies I know that is hard to believe, but it’s true. In fact, the only time I had ever had a lit cigarette in my mouth was as a character in a play. Unlike our former president, I really didn’t inhale.
So, last summer before I turned fifty, my group of close friends was having a get-together in New Orleans. I decided that I wanted to give each of them some cigars at the event. I did not know anything about cigars, so I set out to educate myself on what makes a quality cigar.
Side note — when my doctor told me I needed to start drinking a little red wine every day for health benefits, I did the same kind of research and became fairly knowledgeable about wines. Apparently, this behavior was not an aberration.
Now I am fifty, and I enjoy a good cigar a couple of times a month. We live outside of Houston, so the weather in the winter is fairly comfortable. We have a fire pit and an ever-replenishing supply of wood to burn in it due to our heavily-treed lot. So during this time of year we can frequently be found on the back porch with a fire going, music playing and enjoying a glass of wine and a cigar.
I stress the word “we”. When I decided I wanted to try cigars I told Peggy that I thought it would be cool if we found a cigar that she would enjoy, too. She thought it was weird but agreed to try. I found some coffee-infused cigars that she really enjoys, so we share these evenings on the back porch.
I know it’s unusual to wait until fifty to start smoking, but I don’t really consider it smoking. I consider it enjoying a good cigar with a beautiful woman.
Who is absolutely smokin’!