Well, three out of four ain’t bad.
Tonight, our last night in Las Vegas, we decided to go see Shania Twain. She was performing in the Celine Dion theater in Caesar’s Palace. The headliners frequently take the time between Thanksgiving and New Years off, and they get acts to appear in their place. Shania is Celine’s replacement for a few weeks.
To be fair, we should have seen Shania before we saw Justin Timberlake. The show and the evening were so special last night that anyone would pale in comparison. Plus, you don’t realize until you see the show how much of Shania Twain’s career was really about music videos and not about music.
That might not be a completely fair statement — she has the highest selling album by a solo female artist in any genre in the history of music — but I challenge you to remember a Shania Twain song and not think of the video first. And I sang “From This Moment On” in many weddings in the late 90s.
Still, she has a lot of hits, and she sang them all. I wouldn’t exactly call her an entertainer, but she made sure not to leave out any of the songs her fans love. And there was a live horse. I’m still not sure what that was all about, but it was interesting.
It was a show her devoted fans would love. For us, hey, dinner was fantastic!
As I am writing this I realize that part of the problem is that Shania’s popularity was based primarily on her sexuality, and she came along after Peggy and I were already married. Maybe if she had hit when I was younger I would find her music more interesting. Or maybe I am just a little bit of a music snob.
Whatever, if you can go three out of four in anything you are doing pretty good.

Seriously, Shania didn’t stand a chance.