This was our first Christmas in Austin, and our first Christmas since 1986 living in an apartment. Now, the apartment we live in today is nothing like the apartment where we lived in 1986, but the statement is accurate.
Because it is just us for Christmas I asked Peggy not to go all out on the Christmas decorating. The living room in the apartment is a nice size, but one entire wall is windows so all of the furniture is along the other two walls. I really did not want to have a tree, even a Christmas tree, blocking the beautiful view; you know, the reason we got the apartment in the first place.
Peggy surprised me by being OK with the request. We have always had another small tree that has a bear climbing it that is my favorite Christmas decoration. Peggy decided to make the Christmas bear our only Christmas tree this year. It was perfect!

One other advantage of the Christmas Bear — no cats have climbed the Christmas tree this year, nor have we heard the late night excitement of knocking ornaments off the tree and chasing them around the house. Actually, I kind of miss both events, so I may insist on a tree next year…
We ran up to Dallas to see Peggy’s mother, and we are going to Louisiana and Mississippi to see my family between Christmas and New Year’s, so we really just wanted a quiet Christmas time at home. As soon as we get back from Louisiana we have folks coming to visit for New Year’s, so keeping it quiet seemed like a good idea.
I hope each of you has a wonderful and blessed Christmas season!