The whole family came for Christmas since we couldn’t travel. It was a blast, but I’d rather not have to repeat the reason!
That kind of speaks for the entirety of 2016. It was a blast, but there are a bunch of things in there I really don’t want to repeat.
What I do want to repeat is the travel! We took separate trips to Point Clear, AL; Destin, FL; Texas City, TX; Lake Travis and Waco, TX; Colorado Springs; Lake Louise and Banff, Canada; Keystone, CO; Denver; and Las Vegas. And that doesn’t even count our travels within Louisiana and Mississippi.
We lost Peggy’s Mama and we found a new church. Those two things are related.
Peggy worked with some amazingly talented people on several movie and television projects. Some of them have even aired already. It’s just a little weird seeing your wife on a television show you’re watching, but it’s pretty cool.
Our city endured racial unrest and violence followed by a devastating flood. Watching people come together to combat both events was amazing, but the pain of the year will last well into the foreseeable future.
On the other hand, did I mention the travel? Some of it is work-related and I do not spend a lot of time blogging about work, but the travel is one of the real perks of my job. Especially because Peggy usually gets to go with me.
Who knows what 2017 will bring? Well, we know it will bring ankle rehab, but what else?
I’m looking forward to finding out. Happy New Year everybody!